Train Your Brain to Feel Hygge Happiness

Train Your Brain to Feel Hygge Happiness

My typical daily moment of gratefulness usually goes something like this: 

"I am grateful the sink water in the bathroom at work is hot so I can get some warmth before going back to face the tundra that is our office in the summer,"

"I am grateful I dried my jeans last night so that they'll help shrink wrap my belly and act like Spanx during my presentation today."

But today I'm sitting in front of my open window with a cool breeze, I can hear birds chirping through the summer air. The leaves on the trees outside are dancing in the breeze and church bells chime on the hour. And as my husband takes a siesta nearby I am able to sit here and sip on my fresh coffee in pure bliss. When I take moments like this to feel truly grateful I begin to appreciate what I  have. My usual worries and anxieties of daily life fade away - even for this moment alone. And the weight of the world is just a little lighter.

It doesn't matter what you're grateful for--jeans, a warm moment, or a lovely afternoon--, it's about getting in the habit of realizing what you do have and training your mind to think in the positive.


Could you imagine having this feeling every day? I challenge us together to take a moment to feel grateful once a day. Start a gratitude journal. Take a moment to enjoy something about each day and write it down in your gratitude journal. Keeping a journal helps you remember to really take that time and let's you go back and have happy nostalgia about precious moments you may have otherwise let fade from your memory. With this daily practice, over time the mind begins to focus on the haves instead of have nots. See how it makes you feel that day, that week, that month, that year. 

Why not start now?

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